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Andrew P. McGregor
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 144

Earth is in ruins, its people annihilated.Jessica won the Wargames of the Shellworld. Her companions, mad with power, have betrayed her. Captured, powerless to stop them, she awakens over a century later to a world torn apart by an arbiter from the Shellworld, exacting revenge on humanity for the devastating war her companions helped to start.Her only chance to save what remains of humanity is to challenge her enemies and wrest back control of her fate. A captive aboard the arbiter’s giant starship, drifting between the stars on its way back to the Shellworld, Jessica can’t do it by herself.Desperate to avoid extinction, drawn from the last survivors within the Solar System, a handful of allies embark on a harrowing chase between the stars.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2 ratings