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Bianca Smith
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 222

My 3rd and final fertility book, brings you snippets of my life during some of the worst emotional, mental and physical storms that I had to endure in the pursuit of my dream to be a mother. This book is a collection of my rough and raw emotions as I went through triumphs and heartbreaks during some of my years of fertility treatments. Somewhere in the middle - in 2015, two years after the worst day of my life - the day I found out at my 12 weeks scan that our precious little baby had died, I began to write a blog to make sense of my feelings and deal with them as best I could at the time. These are my blog entries, filled with triumphs, heartbreaks, laughs, anger, shattered bits of me and my relentless drive to fulfill my dream and destiny to become mom.Come share in this journey with me - right up to IVF transfer number 7, donor eggs, trips between the US, UK and Ukraine, and our ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 4 ratings