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Grayson Bell
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 193

Born into a world where everyone has a soulmate, Scott doesn’t go out of his way to find his. He still attends soulmate parties, out of societal obligation and the opportunity to hook-up with a pretty lady. When his soulmark unexpectedly begins to react to the presence of his soulmate, Scott reluctantly goes to search for her. Wandering outside, Scott finds a tall, handsome man with a matching soulmark on his hand. The man introduces himself as Ross. Scott flees from him in a panic. Ross is ready to settle down and begins frequenting more parties outside of his social circle in search of his soulmate. When he finds Scott, he’s surprised when the man runs from him. Finding Scott again, Ross realizes he’s going to be a handful, but perhaps a little bit of discipline will get him under control. Will Ross be able to tame his skittish soulmate before Scott tries to disappear forever?
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 9 ratings