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Alissa Noel Grey
Publisher: 2024 Cookbooks Best Sellers for Kindle Unlimited
Pages: 87

Quick, Easy, and Affordable Recipes for Hungry Students!When you're in college it is easy to live on packaged and highly processed food. But it’s equally easy to keep costs low as well as enjoy a healthier diet by preparing your food from scratch. Cooking is a great way to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs as you are the one deciding what exactly goes into your meals.From the author of several bestselling cookbooks, busy mom and fitness enthusiast Alissa Noel Grey, comes a great new collection of delicious, easy to make recipes that will make you healthier, happier and more energetic than ever. The Healthy College Cookbook is an invaluable and delicious collection of simple and easy student recipes that will take no time at all, leave you full longer and become all time favorites.Table Of ContentsCooking for Health-conscious College StudentsBaked Bean and Rice ...
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4 stars from 13 ratings