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Fi Phillips
Publisher: Burning Chair Publishing
Pages: 312

What if you discovered there was another, magical world alongside ours but just out of reach?What would you do if something there wanted you dead, but you didn’t know why?And how would you save their world - and ours - if all was threatened by evil?When his uncle dies, Steve Haven finds himself the guardian of a strange artefact known only as the Reactor. But there are people out there who want the Reactor: dangerous and powerful people, who will stop at nothing to get it.Steve is sucked into a race against time to save two worlds from an evil he could never have imagined and, in doing so, is forced to rely on people who, just a few days before, he would never have believed could exist.Haven Wakes is the first book in The Haven Chronicles, an exciting and enthralling journey through new worlds, both futuristic and magical.If you enjoy fantastic settings, magical powers and futuristic ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 29 ratings