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Norman Bacal
Publisher: Barlow Books
Pages: 442

Risen from the inner city to the top of the legal profession, Odell Moore has made only one mistake-and it's big enough to cost him everything. He's Manhattan's leading attorney and most eligible bachelor, until he meets the woman of his dreams. After eloping with the daughter of a prominent Alabama senator, Odell's nightmare begins. When Odell heads to LA to save a Hollywood studio from a hostile buyer, he is unaware of the scheme set in motion by his protégé that may have deadly results.Can he see through the ruse? Can he trust his new wife with his best friend?Love, jealousy, and deceit lead to one outcome: murder in Odell's penthouse. But who did it? Two Manhattan detectives follow the clues....but be prepared for shocking revelations to the very last page. Nothing is as it seems.A murder mystery that will keep you guessing to the final page.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 144 ratings