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Doug Bentley
Publisher: Doug Bentley
Pages: 88

They Found The Holiest Land! Now You Can Explore It!Antarctica in 75+ New Jaw Dropping REMA Maps!The whole continent in pinpoint detail!You can't argue with a map!Welcome to the wondrous world of REMA, the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica, the most sophisticated mapping technology to blanket scan that continent!About the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA)The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) map is the product and culmination of decades, even generations, of primarily American led scientific exploration of Antarctica. REMA is the first, high resolution (8-meter) terrain map of nearly the entire continent. The Polar Geospatial Center (PGC) at the University of Minnesota, USA released Version 1.0 to the public in August 2018.REMA Version 1.0 included mosaic tiles of 100 x 100 km area generated at 8 meter postings. It was made by applying fully automated ...
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