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Theresa Romain
Publisher: Theresa Romain
Pages: 215

Hannah Chandler, raised at the heart of the Regency horse-racing world, knows two things for certain. First, the rival Crosby family cannot be trusted. Ever. And second, she’s just bought the champion colt Golden Barb for a fortune-making stakes race. But when Hannah tries to claim the colt from handsome young baronet Bart Crosby, Golden Barb’s current owner, everything she believes falls apart. The prize colt is stolen—and with it go both families’ dreams of rebuilding troubled reputations. Is Bart to blame for the theft, or is he truly as honest and determined as he seems? As Hannah and Bart rush to solve the mystery before race day, they uncover scandalous family secrets—and learn that enemies might just make the best lovers… (Originally published November 2015)
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 472 ratings