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Duane Lindsay
Publisher: (September 16, 2019)
Pages: 371

THEY WERE HEADED FOR DIVORCE...AND THEN THEY MURDERED THE MOB.He’s an accountant. She works at the library. He can’t remember the last time he felt alive; she’s dying of boredom.And they’re working each other’s last nerve.Enter an attitude adjustment in the form of three thugs who catch them alone on a dark street, and decide to terrorize them. These guys just messed with the wrong suburbanites. In minutes, CJ and John Paul Morgan are looking at three dead thugs and a posse of very bemused cops.Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have just discovered their inner badasses. A good thing, too, because the guy CJ beat to death with a two-by-four is a major mobster. And he has friends—friends who want to see the Morgans obliterated.Now they have a massive bounty on their heads--and every criminal in the Western Hemisphere wants in. Thus begins a saga of bloodthirsty revenge (complete with some furiously ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 194 ratings