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Nika Lucas
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 75

This is book 3, and the conclusion, of the M/M Mpreg Omegaverse Shifter Romance series, For Fate and Family.Jaeden, an omega wolf shifter, awakens in a hospital. After the bear attack, his life is more chaotic than ever. Ezra still thinks he can claim him, and everyone, Jaeden's friends and family, all agree. What will happen once they learn that Jaeden's already been claimed by Tom, and that Jaeden is carrying Tom's babies? Is it still possible for Jaeden to win control over his own fate? Or will others choose his destiny for him?Fighting for his Fate is Book 3 of a new Omegaverse series. This is the emotional rollercoaster finale.
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 2 ratings