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John D. Payne
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 355

An old man with a murky past. A desperate man with nowhere to run. A bitter ghost with a dark secret.Reformed miser Ebenezer Scrooge is in big trouble. He's been whisked into the future by a secretive new ghost who claims that all he’s done to atone for his past sins has been for nought. He has one last chance to save his soul: Save Grace, a nurse from the 21st century, who’s destined to die on Christmas Eve.Carl Phillips is a man on the edge. He’s just lost his job at the supermarket, and if he doesn’t act fast, he’ll lose his family. He’s being forced to commit an abhorrent crime, but he may have a way out.With time against them and the elusive Silent Partner pulling the strings from behind the scenes, can either of them survive? Scrooge and Carl will have to work together to defeat the forces of darkness conspiring against them, or they risk losing everything.Don't miss this epic ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 9 ratings