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Filip Forsberg
Publisher: FF Publishing
Pages: 436

A lost treasure. A rookie agent. A deadly race.One of the most valuable treasures of all time – Tucker’s cross, is stolen and rookie archaeological agent Jonathan Jarl must get it back. At the same time, powerful earthquakes destroy several capitals and cities and the spheres are blamed. Forces that want to use the spheres for their own gain, risk it all and prepares an audacious coup.At the same time, in the Pacific Ocean, alien activity is registered, and it might be the spark that triggers all-out conflict.Jonathan is thrown into a desperate struggle to keep humanity from being thrown into a conflict that cannot be won. Ancient history clashes with near-future science fiction with the world at stake! If you love archaeological thrillers, you’re going to love the Jonathan Jarl Series.Blade runner meets Indiana Jones.Fans of Clive Cussler, Michael Crichton, Douglas E Richards, and ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 74 ratings