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Jenny Kings
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 62

Bath bombs are one of the bathing essentials you need to make. However, bath bombs are recently just gaining grounds and winning the hearts of both young and old. Bath bombs can be made right in the comfort of your home as the process in making it is not technical at all. There are various methods in creating bath bombs and also various ingredients as well. You can create your bath bomb with your choice of ingredients. In this bath bomb recipe book, you have access to a wide range of bath bomb recipes. All the necessary information you need to know about bath bomb are contained in the pages of the 25 recipes provide. In this recipe book, there is a list of ingredients that you would require in making bath bomb as well as the simple step by step procedure. Bath bomb can serve as an essential gift item and it is more economical. Also, the bath bomb recipes contained in this book will ...
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4.5 stars from 4 ratings