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Paul Bassett Davies
Publisher: writertype press
Pages: 170

The debut story collection from the acclaimed author of Dead Writers in Rehab.These eleven stories range from a brief encounter on a train that uncovers a startling history of S&M, to a bizarre tale apparently written by a shipwrecked mariner, describing his journey into madness – or perhaps ecstasy. There’s also a drug-fuelled adventure in Rotterdam that leads to an encounter with a werewolf, and a chilling retelling of a classic fairy-tale. Oh, and a story narrated by a man who, literally, isn’t there. The stories are highly diverse in subject matter but they each share an undercurrent of the uncanny, a rich vein of dark humour, and the seductive pleasure of transformation.Paul Bassett Davies' stories have won or been shortlisted for many awards. One was selected by Stephen King to appear in his collection, Six Scary Stories...Praise for Paul Bassett Davies:“Mordantly funny… Poe would ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 29 ratings