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Colette Cuckquean
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 24

A standalone cuckqueaning story, in an ongoing series. A selfish but attractive woman (Cherie) has destroyed her marriage with her own reckless behaviour. The only way to save her relationship is to sign a contract to become a cuckquean, meaning a beautiful woman (Ms Nast) is now legally entitled to have sex with her husband.There is an uneasy tension as both women compete for the attention of the husband. But there can be only one best woman.The cuckquean prepares herself for first time anal with her husband, thinking it would be an opportunity to win back his interest and a way to compete sexually with Ms Nast.However, the territorial cuckcake has other plans for her.Ms Nast takes the opportunity to assert her dark sexual dominance over Cherie.Find out what happens... Contains public humiliation, strapon anal, creampie cleanup, voyerism and verbal humiliation. Disclaimer:All ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 18 ratings