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ChaShiree M.
Publisher: KinkyBoo Publishing
Pages: 37

Nick is indifferent to Christmas. Annoyed with the lack of focus around the holidays from his employees, he can't wait for it to be over. Deciding to ignore all the jubilance around him, he continues on as always. That is, until he sees...HER!Snow is kind, beautiful, smart and funny. She makes him feel things he never thought he would feel. How is this young girl changing everything about him? It doesn't matter. He has found her and he isn't letting her go.Join Nick and Snow as they find love unexpectedly and learn to open up. This is the 15 book in the A Forever Safe Christmas series and it promises to be quick, full of love, and hot sexy times. Sit back, grab some hot cocoa and enjoy!!! Oh...and Merry Christmas.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 39 ratings