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Katerina Winters
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 220

The remote woods of Oregon.A desperate young woman.And a mean-tempered recluse. Standing alone in the middle of the Oregon woods, Alessia Conners was officially out of options. With no money, no family, and no friends to turn to Alessia has little hope of escaping the predator in her home without doing something--drastic. All she wanted was a safe place to call home. With a tent and some camping gear, she is determined to find refuge and a new start to life in the peaceful woods of Oregon. There was something in his woods, something that didn't belong. Jax Beranek is a rugged, mean recluse whose powerful presence and sharp tongue hide a damaged man who has given up on the world. He is a man that doesn't need or want anyone. He has his cabin, his peace and quiet, and above all else is solitude. So when he happens to find some young woman sorely unprepared and close to getting herself ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 52 ratings