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V Moua
ASIN: B0822W7T36
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

Sammy's New Year's PartyIt's New Year's Eve and Sammy is planning a BIG party to celebrate! You are invited to join this little bird by ringing in the New Year. But will something stop Sammy from enjoying the party? Read the book to find out!About the Sammy Bird SeriesThis is a picture book series about a quirky bird named Sammy and his amusing misadventures. Readers will discover that Sammy is a little red bird who has a BIG personality. The books in this series are humorous, engaging and sometimes deal with common childhood issues like bullying, fear of the dark, patience and friendship. The books are interactive and engages young readers to participate in the story. There are over 90 Books in the series and counting! From the AuthorI like to think of myself as a storyteller who brings families together through the medium of picture books. Whether it is between a parent or child or a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 82 ratings