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Kassandra N.C.
ASIN: B082859DT9
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 250

Is her will stronger than their fate?As a Viking turned vampire, Eira spent most of her immortal life alone. Survival was her only objective… and love? It wasn’t even on her radar. So when she crossed paths with Alarik, Eira really didn’t expect anything… especially not the strong magnetic attraction that draws them together.Alarik is a Lycan alpha who spent centuries scouring the world for his mate—for Eira. He wasn’t sure what he thought his perfect match would be like, but it wasn’t a promiscuous vampire… especially not after he’d remained abstinent waiting to find her. While others may have had Eira before, Alarik will be her last—no matter how hard she tries to fight their bond.Once their souls are entwined, she’ll never want another.Readers Thoughts:"Eira‘s tone is so captivating and keeps me reading chapter after chapter! The story draws you in immediately with its opening ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 46 ratings