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Sam Hawkins
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 149

Do you love meat? Are you ready to learn why the Carnivore Diet is much better for you than Paleo, and Keto when it comes to losing weight and improving your health? If so, then you're in for a treat! Inside this DELICIOUS Carnivore Diet Recipe Book, you'll not only get an awesome 21-Day Meal Plan to help you lose weight and get healthy, but you'll get over 40 MOUTH-WATERING recipes!We'll also discuss:    • How the Carnivore Diet Works    • The Health Benefits of the Carnivore Diet    • The Differences Between The Carnivore Diet, Keto, and The Paleo Diet RecipesSome of the recipes that will keep you coming back for more include:    • Italian Burgers    • Marinated Grilled Flank Steak    • Pan-Fried Pork Tenderloin    • Chicken and Prosciutto Spiedini    • Oven-Baked Parmesan Garlic Wings    • Crispy Indian Chicken Drumsticks    • Lemon Baked Salmon    • Easy Blackened ...
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4 stars from 1 rating