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Annalise Clark
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 298

As I walked onto campus for the first time, looking up at the tall building looming above me I thought, this wasn't a campus; this was a castle.  And why had my father shipped me off here anyway? He'd mumbled something about traveling a lot, boarding school, the importance of education... blah blah blah...  It all sounded the same to me - like excuses! He'd been pawning me off to one place or another for 4 years now.  This was what he always did when he didn't want to deal with me anymore. Ever since my mom died when I was 11, my relationship with my father had been strained. In fact, sometimes it seemed as if he didn't want to be around me at all.  These days, the feeling was mutual.  There was a time when I cared, but I was over it. Who wants to waste their life away worrying about someone who doesn't even care about them?  Not this girl. I had far more important things to do. Like ...
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5 stars from 3 ratings