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Mikaela Kiner
Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press
Pages: 248

An Amazon New Release Best Seller A Practical, Actionable Guide to Advocating for Yourself and Others at Work Women of all ages will nod in recognition at the stories of thirteen diverse, mission driven professional women as they share their career obstacles and how they've overcome bias, stereotypes, and being passed over for raises and promotions. If you’ve ever wondered what a true firebrand is, you’ll find out in Mikaela Kiner’s powerful first book. Full of practical examples and easy to use checklists, Female Firebrands is an honest, modern guide for dealing with situations working women know all too well. Mikaela’s book addresses not only how to navigate #MeToo situations, but ways to address workplace challenges including privilege, pregnancy and parenting, and female rivalry - all without shaming or blaming. Mid-career professional women will read this book and know they're not ...
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5 stars from 59 ratings