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Jovie Grace
ASIN: B083798CMV
Publisher: JG PRESS
Pages: 130

Lorelai Woods believes she's engaged to the perfect man and living the perfect life, until she discovers he is part of a cattle rustling gang. In a desperate bid to regain control of her family’s ranch that the gang has commandeered, she signs on as a Pinkerton Agent, only to discover she’ll be required to marry a fellow agent (at least temporarily) before being allowed to launch an investigation into the case.Pressed into the hard life of sailing on a pirate ship, John Langston quickly grows bored with his new vocation as a farmer once he is freed. A happenstance glance at an advert for Pinkerton Agents has him jumping at the opportunity to juggle adventure and danger once again. He doesn’t count on falling in love with the woman he’s sent to protect, and he hates the fact that his undercover assignment requires him to keep so many secrets from her.To make matters worse, he receives ...
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