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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors (January 5, 2020)
Pages: 128

*Includes pictures *Includes excerpts of ancient account *Includes a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents Some of the most iconic symbols of the Roman Empire that have survived into the modern world today are the arches that Romans erected to commemorate military victories and glorify individual emperors. The story of how arches came to be used throughout the Roman world in such a way is one that involves the evolution of the military and its leaders into the political forces that came to dominate the state, and those arches, along with the triumphs that came to be associated with many of them, were key parts in the process of exhibiting the might of both Rome. At the same time, they were meant to mark the individual achievements of Rome’s rulers, making them an enormous and expensive PR exercise that steadily grew over the years. At its most basic, and in its ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 14 ratings