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Stan Jackson
ASIN: B08425Q9Z8
Publisher: THE BOOK FOLKS British crime fiction publishers
Pages: 278

A murder, a change of identity, a missing au pair, and a wad of cash to find the culprit.University professor and part-time private investigator Perry Webster takes on a new assignment when he gets an offer he can’t refuse.A previously unknown member of his wife’s family turns up out of the blue with a strange request to investigate a murder that occurred some fifty years ago.His wife’s cousin’s father fled England after his own wife was murdered. He professed his innocence, but having handled the murder weapon, and having had an affair with the au pair, the odds were stacked against him proving his case.With the promise of a payment of a million pounds if he can find the guilty party, Perry begins to dig around in the past. But despite the events having occurred many moons ago, his exploration will ruffle some feathers and rattle a few skeletons in the closet.Can Perry crack a case ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 204 ratings