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Willow Weed-Eaton, Greater Than a Tourist
Publisher: CZYK Publishing
Pages: 99

With travel tips and culture in our guidebooks written by alocal, it is never too late to visit Maine. Most travel books tell youhow to travel like a tourist. Although there is nothing wrong withthat, as part of the ‘Greater Than a Tourist’ series, this book willgive you candid travel tips from someone who has lived at yournext travel destination. This guide book will not tell you exactaddresses or store hours but instead gives you knowledge that youmay not find in other smaller print travel books. Experiencecultural, culinary delights, and attractions like with guidance froma Local. Slow down and get to know the people with thisinvaluable guide. By the time you finish this book, you will beeager and prepared to discover new activities at your next traveldestination.Inside this travel guide book you will find:Visitor information from a LocalTour ideas and inspirationSave time with ...
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