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Byron Rizzo
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 149

How many hours have you spent playing?Do you know how many times you stayed up late to finish a level?What is the sum of money you have invested in games, consoles, equipment?Most people will not be able to answer any of these questions accurately. It is likely, in fact, that those inquiries have never been raised.When this happens in the most thriving digital industry of the moment, such as the video games one is, the reasons for such ignorance should be considered. Video Games & Addiction, tells a series of logical stories about the evolution, progress, and revolution of digital playful entertainment. However, instead of just a mere historicist analysis, it puts the most important people, the players, first. Narrating, in turn, numerous real-life anecdotes. Reflecting in perspective the difference between passion and vice, taste and necessity, choice and escapism. Confessional at ...
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