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Lauren Abby
Publisher: Amish Love and Romance Ltd.
Pages: 59

#1 Amazon Bestselling AuthorHaleigh is a small-town baker with some very large problems. She is behind on the bills and is having difficulty affording the continued care for her disabled daughter. She has a following with some local customers, including the recently widowed Sheriff, but that’s not enough to keep the lights on.The Amish community of Lawndale has a problem. They are out of supplies because of a recent drought and must do the unthinkable to continue their way of life. They must visit the outside world to purchase their baked goods. When selected for the journey, Brian couldn’t imagine doing anything different in his life, but at the same time feels as if there’s something missing from his life. Enter Haleigh the baker who changes everything. Will Brian choose a new life in order to pursue the woman who has captivated his heart or will he simply return to the community to ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings