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C. J. Booth
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 368

A petrifying prom assault. A young woman’s life changed forever. Has the victim saved her last dance for death?Private Investigator Mallory Dimante has no time for a pro-bono cold case. Focused on developing the detective firm she’s building with her partner, Jake Steiner, she needs work that can keep them and their new Seattle houseboat afloat. But she can’t say no when she comes face-to-face with the victim of a devastating acid attack.The horribly disfigured victim, Alison Adams, claims she only wants to find and forgive the person responsible. Or… is she carefully planning on a terrifying night of revenge?Mallory and Jake’s investigation propels them back ten years to that very prom night - stirring the pot of high school jealousy once again, exposing all who hated Alison Adams and all who had an illicit relationship with her. Until Mallory puts Alison face to face with the original ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 49 ratings