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Waylon Joshua
Publisher: Widow White Books
Pages: 331

Sometimes when you can't let things go, you wind up surrounded by outlaws, in the heart of an American rainforest, searching for a missing old flame.Disgraced San Francisco Assistant DA Tim Kitchens has found his next crusade: the missing person case of his old high school sweetheart, last seen five years ago in the King Range, one of the most remote regions in America, and the epicenter of California's illegal marijuana industry.Obsessed with finding her, Tim travels across the county, from half-abandoned rural towns to marijuana farms deep in the wilderness, encountering violent dope growers, radical environmental activists, and corrupt local officials. He discovers July had several boyfriends in the year leading up to her disappearance.All of them had reason to hate her. All of them are hiding something. But only one will stop at nothing to keep the truth from getting out.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 8 ratings