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Barbara Tremblay Cipak
ASIN: B085956S8D
Publisher: Self Published
Pages: 77

Can you solve this riddle featured on the back cover of #Stumped Volume 3: Birthdays?“I’m a four-letter word that describes a party or celebration, Unfortunately I’m also used when something has been beaten, Nasty people do this online as they hide behind a screen, and it’s not very nice, in fact, it’s downright mean” What word am I?Riddle gamebooks are ideal for family gatherings, dinner gatherings, baby showers, wedding showers, birthday parties, grad parties, school fun, and teacher gifts. Give the best and worst riddle guessers a prize or bragging rights, you choose.Give the book out as a goodie-bag prize or reach for it when you need a personal distraction.#Stumped Volume 3: Birthdays features 80 original riddles with each of the eight chapters containing ten riddles. For added help, the chapters are broken down into categories: Parties, Gifts, Old Age, Milestones, Food, Fun, Kids ...
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