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Josh Wood
Publisher: Lucid Books
Pages: 145

"Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" – Josh's mom "Dazzling. Magnificent. Marvelous. Remarkable. Thrilling. Wondrous." – synonyms for the word spectacular "All publishers are welcome to send material for review consideration, but please be aware that we review only a very small percentage of the books we receive, and the odds against a given book receiving a review are long indeed." – New York Times "I'm really excited to read an entire book based on a Craigslist post!" – No one, ever "I'm so proud of you and our van making us ghetto-famous. I really liked [looks at clock]...Oh no! It’s already 6:00 p.m.! Can you please go pick up Kaylie from ballet?" – Careese Wood, Josh's wife 'The Struggle Bus: The Van. The Myth. The Legend.' is designed to take you, dear reader, on a ride with the Wood family in the van that became an Internet sensation. This one-of-a-kind literary ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 25 ratings