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Poppy Parkes, Flirt Club
Publisher: Parkes Publishing
Pages: 67

There’s a first time for everything… The last thing Winter Whittaker wants is to spend her weekend at Bachelor Mountain ski resort grooming the ego of Olympian Brett Carnegie. But her little sister secretly entered her in the “Meet a Celebrity” contest, so she has to pack her snow gear and head to the peak. But when she snowplows into photographer Gabe Delgado, she finds herself rethinking everything — including giving up the V card she’s been saving for just the right person. And she’s not the only one willing to make sacrifices to be with the person who makes her heart sing and her magic carpet throb. Gabe is right there with her, considering making a bomb run on his career to cut fresh tracks toward happily ever after with Winter. The only question is — is she ready for forever, or will the weekend be a total wipeout? Get ready to hit the slopes, snow bunnies, because love is coming ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 139 ratings