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Charity Parkerson
ASIN: B086363L5V
Publisher: Punk & Sissy Publications
Pages: 172

A famous drummer. A homeless teen. It’s hard to tell which one is the savior.When Jessie Thunder, a famous drummer, learns a homeless person has been sneaking into his home, Jessie decides to help him out. The eighteen-year-old “boy” is too old to go in the system, and Jessie can’t stand the thought of anyone going hungry. He also hopes rescuing Theo will ease his soul. Otherwise, there’s nothing redeeming left of him.Even though Theo doesn’t trust Jessie’s help, he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. At first, Jessie’s attention feels like heaven. He’s never had anyone care about him, especially someone as amazing as Jessie. Everything seems perfect. That is, until Theo realizes Jessie’s beauty is only a mask. Inside, Jessie is poison and Theo has to get out before he finds himself in worse shape than when he lived on the street.With Theo gone and no one to save him, Jessie has to make a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 328 ratings