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Pearl Tate
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 201

PayakWhen a rogue Sinth Guardian disappears onto planet Earth, I'm not sure if he's investigating the alien abduction of Humans he discovered or if his message to me meant something more ...Mavin has disappeared, so I make sure I’m first in line, paying tribute to the Ashen aliens who protect the planet Earth where he was last seen. He’s like a brother to me, and after his last punishment by our ruling body the Sinth Sovereignty, he needs to know we all care—so he doesn’t disappear into his personal dimension forever.What I don’t expect, is to find an Earth female so alluring, it appears she can see right into my dimension. She can see me!Unfortunately, we’re called in for infectious testing and notified that the Wen virus has appeared on Earth. Now, we’ve been split up and assigned to help find the source of the disease's arrival. As warriors against what the Humans are calling the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 257 ratings