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Team Golfwell
ASIN: B08685QQC8
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 254

The American Pediatric Association recommends children need a balance between screen time and other healthy activities.   This quick reference book for parents and grandparents has over 350+ screen-free activities to give you fast substitutes to get them off digital games, tablets, laptops, TV, etc. and improve and expand their life. It also features some activities for children with handicaps, autism, Asperger, as well as teens.Parents, Grandparents, and most importantly kids will enjoy this book to get active, refresh, socialize, have lots of fun, and enjoy a healthier balanced life!The activities are grouped under Chapter headings.  The Chapters are alphabetically arranged in an extensive “DIRECTORY” some of which are,How to Get Free Plane Rides for KidsWays of Preserving MemoriesToddler ActivitiesA large variety of indoor and outdoor activitiesActivities for Handicapped, Autistic ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings