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Jon Kiln
ASIN: B08687F6KP
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 251

A battle-hardened warrior with a debt to settle, Vorgan faces his toughest challenge yet. Tasked with honoring a promise to a former comrade, he embarks on what should be a straightforward journey — deliver a package no more than’s a month’s ride as the crow flies.However, Vorgan's mission takes an unexpected turn when he realizes the “package” is a fiercely independent young woman. Together, they must traverse lands ravaged by plague, battling not only common foes like bandits and ruffians but also facing a sinister, supernatural evil. Amidst these perils, the greatest threat looms ever-present: the menace of the undead, rising to claim the living. Vorgan's vow now extends beyond mere delivery; he must safeguard her against a world teeming with unspeakable dangers, including the relentless pursuit of the rising dead.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 31 ratings