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Patrick Ashe
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 311

A brooding young adult seeks to do good in a vicious world . . . while a secret evil lurks within his own mind. He must face these outer and inner demons UPON THIS PALE HILL!Against his suburban background, coming-of-age Brandon seeks a career in public service. On this ideological journey, he explores many sociopolitical viewpoints, each with believers and deceivers. He finds solace in the antics of his wild yet wise friend Germy and companionships with his old flame Marianne, kindred soul Janelle, and the mysterious Aisling. But when his career turns unexpectedly successful, his goodwill begins to corrupt. This culminates in a confrontation with a lucid nightmare adversary who forces Brandon to face the horrors of his past . . . and decide how good he truly is.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 29 ratings