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ASIN: B086XG7414
Publisher: DreamWakeWork Publishing
Pages: 144

Aryan, the eldest princess of the Siren's, is restless. Betrothed to the Merman Prince, she longs for a life filled with love outside of the sea. On one of her discouraged trips to the mainland, she meets Cameron. He is everything she could imagine, but he is human. There is a way that they can be together, forever. But, is she willing to pay the price for a new life and abandon her home and people, for love?Cameron has always believed in the impossible. This includes Mermaids, Big Foot and Sirens. Something he learned from his father before his mysterious disappearance on the Love's Lake. When he meets Aryan, she is proof that no matter the ridicule they had endured for their beliefs, he and his father were always right. She is also proof that you can find love in the most unexpected places, and he is falling in love with Aryan. The problem is that he also loves Clove, his human ...
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5 stars from 5 ratings