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Veronica Mixon
Publisher: Sapelo Publishing
Pages: 290

This powerful story takes you on a journey of hope and resiliency, and reminds us of the many sacrifices of love and the courage it takes to forgive.Deidre Stephens lives a picturesque life, with a loving husband, a feisty four-year-old daughter, and a fulfilling career as an elementary school principal. And, in less than twenty-four hours, Deirdre and her husband will add to their bliss by signing adoption papers for the son they’ve always dreamed of having.Hours before their final court appearance, on a leisurely walk in the park, their daughter is kidnapped. Three days later, Deidre’s husband disappears, leaving behind questions she can’t answer.Days pass with no clues and no ransom demand. Then a stranger claims she can help, but her offer has a dangerous price.With all other options exhausted, Deirdre accepts the stranger's offer, thrusting her into the heart of her husband's dark ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 96 ratings