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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 65

*Includes pictures *Includes excerpts of ancient accounts *Includes a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents The Late Bronze Age Near East (c. 1500-1200 BCE) was a time and place where great kingdoms and empires vied for land and influence, playing high stakes diplomatic games, trading, and occasionally going to war with each other in the process. The Egyptians, Hittites, Babylonians, Assyrians, and several smaller Canaanite kingdoms were all part of this system, which was one of the first true “global” systems in world history and also one of the most materially prosperous eras in antiquity. The major kingdoms are well-known to most people, but among them, for about 150 years, was another great kingdom that is often overlooked or forgotten. When scholars study the history of the ancient Near East, several wars that had extremely brutal consequences (at least by ...
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4.5 stars from 19 ratings