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Mohit Soni
ASIN: B0872T11B8
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 113

In Major System,Numbers are converted into words. By visualizing numbers as consonants and adding vowels in between. 1 looks like the upside down flipped T and D sometimes also sounds same T. 2 looks like the anti clockwise flipped N. 3 looks like the anticlockwise flipped M. 4 can be represented by R 5 is called L in Latin language 6 looks like G and J has same sound as G. 7 looks like K letter cut in between and C and K has same sound 8 looks like F in 4th ABCD 9 looks like mirrored image of P and P looks like upside down flipped b Example for 99 number we can use BB and form the word Baby to memorize it.
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