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Denis Roubien
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 54

You want to discover the cultural treasures of Florence in an original way from an expert? This is the book for you! You will see this is not just another Florence travel guide. In this book you will discover Florence through the eyes of a traveller who had some experiences that helped him feel the special atmosphere of this major centre of Western culture. This book, written by an art and architecture historian, presents to you through a large number of photos and concise historical and architectural explanations the essence of this magical city. The author of this book holds a PhD in Architectural History from the National Technical University of Athens and a master in heritage preservation from the Ecole de Chaillot of Paris. He is a professor in the University of the Peloponnese, where he teaches these subjects. He is also a fervent cultural hiker. His travel books (mostly about ...
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