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Molly Price
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 194

Persona Non Grata is the gripping story of seduction, betrayal, and abduction surrounding Dan Collins, a college professor in a small Pennsylvania town. Feeling a need for roots, Dan buys and renovates a house and rental property while working alongside his best friend and Department Chair, Martin. Dan and Martin take on a young assistant, Claire Henson, to help with an upcoming grant project, and Dan is immediately taken with Claire. Claire is hesitant to make inroads with Dan for fear of sacrificing her professional integrity. However, her personal life soon clashes with her career goals when she becomes involved with Dan, who is both her boss and landlord.Dan and Claire carry on a clandestine affair and they would together fulfill their wildest fantasies and deepest desires for each other. But while ensconced in their blissful idyll, they do not see the danger lurking after a coed ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 22 ratings