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Steven Wright
ASIN: B088CZY321
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 271

Someone’s going to die… but who?Former detective Haydn Daniel has a recurring nightmare in which he is confronted by a smirking gunman. But could the dream be linked to a terrifying reality?Haydn makes a fresh start after quitting the police and suffering a painful marriage break-up. Using his inheritance money he buys into a posh equestrian centre where he can indulge his passion for horses. He falls for the yard’s head girl, Daisy Langridge, but struggles to commit to a relationship because he fears another rejection.Then Haydn and Daisy suffer a series of frightening acts of vandalism and violence, putting them in fear of their lives. Could the sinister incidents be linked to a ruthless gangster freed from prison?Transferred Malice is a dark and raunchy tale of cops and robbers, interwoven with sex and romance, which winds its way through scary twists and turns and emotional highs ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 6 ratings