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Boone Mortensen
ASIN: B088F516W7
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 344

A young woman disappears on her wedding day. Gone without a trace, the bride’s disappearance becomes a “cold case” until a ghostly discovery startles the small Lone Elder community…After a disastrous start, rookie pitcher, Charlie Pierce’s professional baseball career is over. Then his life takes a tragic turn when he is injured in a freak accident. All seems lost until the wife of an ex-professional boxer, a spirited Irish beauty, and a group of kids change his life…The Oaks baseball team is in shambles. A series of mysterious events threatens the team’s existence until a strange encounter gives them hope…Owen Nance is on the run for a crime he didn’t commit. After tracking the killer to Oregon, a surprising twist threatens a last chance to clear his name.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 5 ratings