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Jim Nelson
Publisher: (June 15, 2020)
Pages: 407

They hired a cyberpunk detective to recover their stolen memories. They didn’t know his twisted past is the key to the crime.Security expert C.F. Naroy's investigation across a desolate San Francisco uncovers blackmail, political intrigue, family secrets, and a few dead bodies. Meanwhile, he has to keep tabs on a beautiful young programmer addicted to Blue Pharje, a substance used to forget your past in a world where nothing is forgotten. He also learns the hard way that the stolen data is so explosive, people are willing to kill for it.Then Naroy discovers his own painful past is the key to the entire affair. He must choose between solving the crime…or burying it for good.In My Memory Locked is perfect for fans of Blade Runner, Raymond Chandler, Ghost in the Shell, William Gibson, When Gravity Fails, and Altered Carbon.“No one tells a hard-boiled tale like Jim Nelson.” – Instant City
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 26 ratings