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Krysten Harlow
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 447

Health can be yours today.Krysten Harlow is here to provide you with the ultimate guide to improving your wellbeing. The Wellness series will introduce you to the global phenomenon of keto cleansing, teach you more about nutrition for healthy aging, provide you the means to create a hygge lifestyle and make homemade products to keep you germ-free.Inside you will discover:VOL. IDifferent ketogenic types and how to tailor meals to eachRecipes that take a max. of 20 minutes, making dinner stress-free, mess-free funSuper foods to double up onDanger foods to watch out forHow to sidestep common pitfallsVOL IIThe many effects nutrition can have on both your health and wellbeingHow the aging process will change your mental and physical healthTips for preventing chronic illnessMethods to quickly rebound from sicknessDietary programs that can help you maintain your health as you ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 17 ratings