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Jess Mastorakos
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 260

A mind might forget but a soul remembers everything… When you get married, you make so many vows.For better or for worse. I’m a Marine with a wicked scar from the 50-cal round that almost took me out, so check that box.For richer or for poorer. We’ve been together forever, me and Cat, so check that one too.In sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part.If I’d known the sickness part had the power to do us in, I would have laid down some prep work. I would have come home earlier and stayed up later, spending hours memorizing her laugh and tracing the patterns of her curves.The car accident might have taken my wife’s memories but she’s alive and she’s physically whole. The fact that she thinks we’re broken up from a fight we had ten years ago means I have a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time.But how do you convince someone they love you as much as ...
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5 stars from 402 ratings