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M Andrews
ASIN: B08956Q53T
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 109

After moving back home to Wolf Creek, Aaron has gained the reputation as being the town hermit. After you  walk in on your girlfriend blowing her boss, you wouldn’t want to be around people either. Sure being alone will protect his heart, but Aaron is finding the loneliness hard to bare. When Aaron finds a box of abandoned puppies in the woods behind his cabin, he finds himself at the office of the town's new beautiful veterinarian  Henley Chambers. Henley came to Wolf Creek looking for a fresh start after leaving her old life in Las Vegas. She is finding happiness in helping animals and the new friends she is making, including the handsome and incredibly sweet Aaron Dylan. Who is giving her hope that she can find love again. But when the demons from her past threaten to destroy everything she has worked so hard to get. Will Henley and Aaron be able to escape their pasts to find the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 10 ratings